We are often asked about how Club Members can volunteer, particularly in times of natural disasters. There are many volunteering opportunities around the country, and in particular, BlazeAid helps out rural and remote farmers.
To find out about specific camps and opportunities to help out, you can go to their Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/Blazeaid) or their website (http://www.blazeaid.com.au).
For other general volunteering opportunities around the country, visit:
- Volunteering (Queensland) – http://www.emergencyvolunteering.com.au/home
- Australian Emergency Support Volunteering Register (WA) – http://emergency.volunteer.org.au
- NSW Volunteering – http://www.volunteering.nsw.gov.au
- Volunteering Queensland – http://www.volunteeringqld.org.au
- Volunteering Victoria – http://www.volunteeringvictoria.org.au
- Volunteering SA and NT – https://vsant.org.au/
- Volunteering WA – http://www.volunteeringwa.org.au
These websites provide a wealth of information and outline the several types of volunteering within the community, tips on getting started and resources.