The Workabout Australia book has been Australia’s foremost working holiday guide since it was first printed and published in 1996. Originally featuring 78 locations it is an indication of the growth of Workabout Australia that it now covers over 200 locations in all Australian states.
The Workabout Australia Club was established in late 2000 as a means of keeping members up to date with employment opportunities throughout Australia. The Workabout Australia Club Member Website has many features including news and items of interest, new Workabout Australia locations, employment contacts, job vacancy listings, tips and hints, a members forum, deals and discounts, photo gallery and much much more. A Special Classified section has also been included as a free service to all Workabout Australia Club Members.
The Workabout Australia Club now enables us to provide information on new jobs and locations as soon as we receive them. This means that members have the information without having to wait until the next Workabout Australia book is published.
The Workabout Australia Club has now built up a network of contacts across Australia. Workabout Australia also offers members a support and assistance service.
Workabout Australia has had as it’s motto “Jobs Galore – What a way to see Australia”
The Workabout Australia Club has as its motto “The Adventure of a lifetime waiting to happen”
Would you like to:
- Enjoy a Working Holiday?
- Visit New and Exciting Places?
- Meet New & Interesting People?
- Make New Friends?
- Receive Regular Bulletins & Information?
- Receive Job Vacancy Information?
- Obtain Employment Contacts?
If so, then join “The Workabout Australia Club” today – Join and have fun (Credit Card Facilities available).

Join the Club
The Workabout Australia Club was established in late 2000 as a means of keeping members up to date with employment opportunities throughout Australia.
Latest News
Check Out our YouTube Channel!
We have now started a YouTube Channel! Over the coming weeks we will be uploading videos about us, our Club Members, tips and tricks for on the road...just to name a few! Our first video is up and is an introduction to who we are and what we do...we'd love for you to...